fashion n beauty addict

A diary of anything about beauty and fashion related stuffs that I love. A place to share on new findings on bag and shoes, on make-up and skin care, on accessories and clothes. A blog that I can freely reveal my opinion on current style and trend.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Masih tentang SK II

Googling on the issue, I find this:

Banned substances found in Japanese skincare products
Banned substances have been found in SK-2 brand skincare products imported from Japan, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) said Thursday.
SK-2 is Japan's top cosmetic brand.
An official with AQSIQ told Xinhua that its Guangdong branch detected chromium and neodymium when it tested a batch of SK-2 skincare products manufactured by the Max Factor subsidiary of Procter & Gamble (Japan).
China's rules ban the two metallic substances from cosmetic products.
Chromium can cause allergic reactions such as skin rash if it comes into contact with the skin. Neodymium is irritating to the eyes and skin and can cause lung embolisms and be a threat to the liver if it accumulates in the human body.
Max Factor responded in a statement that chromium and neodymiumare not added to SK-2 skincare products in the production process.
According to the statement, all SK-2 products are carefully evaluated by the company before being released to the market and verified and registered by the health administration before being imported to China.
AQSIQ reported the issue to its Japanese counterpart and to the Japanese Embassy in China, saying that Japanese counterparts should beef up supervision of cosmetic products exported to China and ensure the products meet China's standards.
An SK-2 spokesman said the company was carrying out an internal investigation.
AQSIQ issued a circulation requiring local branches to strengthen the quality supervision of cosmetic products imported from Japan.
Quality problems have also been detected in food imported from Japan recently. AQSIQ said there had been nearly 30 cases since June.

Banned substances found in Japanese skincare products SK II

Wow! I have heard this since about a month ago! Sindy told me that she was advised by Rancy that this P&G products were sued by a consumer in China. Accordingly, all of the producst have been withdrawn in China. Sindy also joked that because of one consumer, a whole country sales are stopped. I was kinda 'oh ya?' without giving any more concern. Then, I also received a mail from SK II representative, claiming that their products are safe and persuading me to keep using it. Here it is:

22 September 2006

Fashionista! yang terhormat

Pertama, SK-II mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan anda. Sebagai salah satu pengguna setia SK-II yang kami hormati, kami ingin meyakinkan Anda agar dapat sepenuhnya yakin untuk tetap menggunakan produk-produk SK-II untuk memperoleh kulit sebening kristal seumur hidup. Kami juga menyampaikan hal ini secara tertulis bagi Anda, bukan sekadar memberikan jaminan atas keamanan SK-II, melainkan juga untuk berbagi informasi dengan Anda mengenai perkembangan berita terbaru tentang SK-II di negara Cina yang mungkin Anda sudah mendengarnya.

Masalah yang berkaitan dengan kekhawatiran konsumen dan publikasi negatif yang dipicu oleh pernyataan pers yang dirilis melalui Xinhua News Agency, menyatakan bahwa CIQ telah menemukan kandungan chromium dan neodimium pada sembilan produk SK-II yang diimpor dari Jepang. Keamanan dan kualitas dari produk SK-II adalah prioritas utama kami. Kandungan yang ditemukan dalam produk SK-II berada di dalam limit yang diakui kemanannya oleh Uni Eropa dan negara-negara lainnya termasuk Amerika Serikat.

Semua produk SK-II di Indonesia memenuhi standar dan peraturan pemerintah Indonesia yang diwakili oleh BPOM, dan kami percaya standar ini juga sesuai dengan peraturan dan kebijakan di seluruh dunia, termasuk Departemen Kesehatan Malaysia, Otorita Kesehatan dan Sains Singapore, dan Departemen Kesehatan Taiwan. Menurut Dr. John Bailey, mantan petugas resmi U.S. FDA dan Executive Vice President untuk CTFA ( Science, Cosmetics Toiletries and Fragarance Association) "Peraturan U.S. FDA menyadari bahwa pada level tertentu kandungan dari Chromium dan Neodymium dapat ditemukan dalam produk kosmetik dan tidak menggambarkan masalah kesehatan atau keamanan bagi konsumen. Pada dasarnya, Chromium dan Neodymium tidak digunakan pada pembuatan produk SK-II. Bahan ini dapat ditemukan secara alami di lingkungan dan di dalam produk sehari-hari seperti makanan, air, dan kosmetik produk. Tingkat paparan Chromium pada konsumen adalah satu per seratus (1/100) kurang dari batas yang telah ditentukan oleh WHO. Demikian juga kadar paparan Neodynium adalah satu per seribu (1/1000) kurang dari batas yang ditentukan oleh WHO.

Beberapa kejadian yang timbul di gerai SK-II menyebabkan SK-II menghentikan sementara penjualan SK-II di China dengan alasan keamanan. Bersamaan dengan itu, seluruh Gerai SK-II di China ditutup sementara mulai tanggal 22 September 2006. Sementara itu semua pelayanan SK-II akan dipindahkan ke layanan hotline 24 jam yang akan menjawab semua kekhawatiran dan pertanyaan konsumen termasuk pengembalian produk yang dibuat atas itikad baik kami menjaga kualitas pelayanan SK-II. Tindakan ini hanya berkaitan dengan negara Cina dan penjualan SK-II akan terus berlanjut seperti biasa di Indonesia dan di semua pasar lainnya. Kami mengharapkan agar anda juga dapat sepenuhnya yakin untuk tetap menggunakan produk SK-II untuk memperoleh kulit sebening kristal seumur hidup. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi hotline Crystal Club di nomor 0800 1402 901 dari pk. 09.00 - 18.00. Hormat kami,Jerson UyMarketing Director, SK-IIASEAN, Australasia and India

uh is not until i saw a half page of that kind of letter in KOMPAS yesterday, and followed by a call from my mom (so surprised that she noticed me using SK II), did I aware that this problem seems serious! I have to stop using it!...When I read it to Jeji, he said that wow the figures are quite close to the threshold....

so, this morning I just use my clarins sunblock cream as my daily moisturiser.
Panicking, I called Sindy to borrow this book I recommend her to buy
( book has not arrived yet! take ages!), got to check first what moisturiser I got to buy.

So it may time to say good bye to SK II, the best products I have ever found...true! when I first use it, I could feel the difference in the next morning...

This would be just a history, part of my life:
How the miracle of crystal clear complexion started in a sake' brewery
Her face was wrinkled as an old lady's. Her hands were remarkably soft and youthful.
This was what a Japanese scientist observed in an elderly lady working in a factory in Japan.
It was in the 1970's. The factory, a sake' brewery.
As the scientist gazed at the elderly workers, he noticed their weary faces, parched from the sun. Yet, all of them had the same delicate hands. The same hands that were in constant contact with the yeast used in the factory.
It didn't take long for the scientist to put two and two together. The secret to beautiful complexion was, literally, in their hands.
Another 5 years of research ensued before the yeast's unique ingredient was isolated. The result, an all-natural yeast derivative, we call Pitera®. An amazing ingredient found only in SK-II products.
Combining the power of nature with the advances of science, SK-II with
Pitera® helps restore skin's natural rhythm to its 28-day metabolic cycle.
Restoring your skin's natural glow, it also leaves your complexion crystal clear. It's almost as if your skin is "reborn" every day.
Since then, SK-II with
Pitera® has become the beauty regimen of many celebrities and beautiful women around Asia & the world. Today, these women have the pleasure of a luxury which the elderly Japanese women unwittingly enjoyed. Crystal clear skin.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Luxury Cosmetics Great Sale!

Gals, a luxury cosmetics great sales! I had been waiting for this since early this year, since I missed the first one which was held around March. This time it is held at Gran Melia hotel, occupied 1 small room, all products which some are available in samples are displayed in the desk. So, you can imagine how crowded it is! Everthing is cheap there! Can u imagine Rp.100 k for a lancome lipstick?

And there are couple of cosmetics bazaar sale lately!